
Vie, Poésie, Sentiments, Lumières

The second opening of the season at Yzeures Créatif took place on June 3 and presented the watercolors and oils of Larysa Bulanchykava and Pascal Planchard. In these paintings the artists favor composition, treating objects in a simple way with poetry and clarity. The goal is to create an emotion for the viewer by accentuating certain details, and highlighting a light or a shadow. The exhibition continues until June 29th. The opening hours of the gallery are Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

During the summer, we will host 2 additional exhibitions with openings on the first Friday evening of each month.

The main mission of Yzeures-Créatif is to promote and inspire creativity in various media disciplines through practical workshops, mentoring, gallery exhibitions and events, solely for the joy and pleasure of creative expression.

Yzeures Créatif